Building winning teams
Rapid change is the new normal for organizations, from acquisitions and reorganizations to disruptive technologies and intensified competition. Organizations can only succeed through their people. Beyond providing direction, motivation, recognition, and development, leaders also must encourage an energized and successful workplace culture—one that promotes the desired behaviors and outcomes necessary to meet goals.
Taking a deep dive
Nyman helps leaders address both immediate and long-term challenges to organizational success. With deep-dive analyses into targeted problem areas or issues, Nyman can stimulate change in the beliefs, attitudes, values, communication styles, and even structure of an organization. For more than 25 years, CEOs and other executives have relied on Nyman for candid assessments, astute judgment, and effective strategies to support their performance targets.

Getting in sync
Sometimes the best way to improve outcomes within an organization involves getting out of the office. Offsite meetings and retreats provide meaningful opportunities for strengthening relationships, building cohesive teams, and thinking in new ways. Nyman helps to develop insightful offsite programs and can facilitate these experiences, whether for board directors, executive teams, regional or product divisions, or overall organizations. Nyman provides similar support for trade shows and conferences.